Lawrence Stephens

Email Confidentiality Statement

Emails, including any attachments, are private and confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received any email in error, please contact us immediately and delete it from your system; do not read, copy or disclose its contents to anyone or use it for any purpose.


It is the recipient’s responsibility to check any emails and any attachments for the presence of viruses. Lawrence Stephens accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by any emails.

Cybercrime and Fraud Alert

If you receive an email purporting to be from a member of this firm asking for funds to be sent to a bank account, you must, as a security measure, contact the solicitor with whom you are dealing, by telephone, to verify the bank account details before sending any funds. Our client account details do not change. If you have received an email asking you to send funds to a different bank account to one that we may have given you previously, it is likely that the email could be from another person who has hacked in to your email account and is trying to commit a crime by defrauding you of your money. In the event of that situation please contact us immediately. We will not accept responsibility should you transfer money into an incorrect account.