Posts Tagged ‘Crypto’

Matt Green comments on the Digital Assets Bill in eprivateclient

Posted on: November 18th, 2024 by Hugh Dineen-Lees

Director and Head of Blockchain and Digital Assets Matt Green comments on the introduction of the Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill, and argues that this legislation will provide greater clarity to the treatment of cryptocurrencies and digital assets under UK law.

Matt’s comments were published in eprivateclient, 15 November 2024, and can be found here.

“Property rights allow individuals to identify and demarcate ownership. In turn, being deprived of property creates a right in either damages or for that exact property to be owed. This ensures there’s greater market confidence when dealing with property, as there are clearer legal rights to ownership, control and general treatment of that property.”

“Historically property fell into two main categories – things that are tangible and exist physically or a contractual right enforced by a legal system (such as a debt claim or contractual right to goods). Digital assets (including cryptocurrencies, digital files and records, email accounts and certain in-game digital assets, domain names, even verified carbon credits) do not fall neatly into either category.”

“Use of a negative definition as proposed in the Digital Assets Bill, future proofs how property is treated, preventing the need to return to the issue for decades to come. To give an exhaustive list of what property is limits what may or may not exist going forward, so the wording is designed to ensure policymakers and the public at large are given that freedom to treat “things” as property when required, as well as the ability to sensibly divert from the rigid definition of property when required.”

“Although a welcome change for a legal system previously often unequipped to deal with such matters, enabling a “thing” to be property even where it is not tangible or creates a legal right may create inconsistencies at common law given the broad strokes definition. However the benefit of future proofing far outweighs the potential for inconsistencies and the Law Commission included guidelines as to what may constitute property under this Bill to assist decision makers.”

“As more “things” become property at a legal level, we may see the implementation of further laws, or even Judge’s decisions, which sweep up any unanswered issues. Overall, this Bill is a huge win for those dealing in digital assets, providing much needed clarity in an economy already utilising this technology at large.”