Tomorrow is World Mental Health Day, and thanks to the ongoing pandemic, this year could be the most important one yet.
In the space of just six months, we’ve experienced a national lockdown, a huge shift towards working from home, and valuable time spent away from our family, friends and colleagues. Given the swiftness with which these measures were introduced, there has been little time to stop and consider the impact these changes have had on our mental health and wellbeing.
Now, amidst continued uncertainty, we’d like to take this special day as an opportunity to reflect on the lessons we have learnt in business and personally over the past six months, and explore ways in which we could safeguard our mental health over the coming months.
In order to do so, Lawrence Stephens Senior Associate and Mental Health Guardian Katherine Zangana has chaired a virtual Q+A session with a range of guests; all of whom have been affected by COVID-19 in different ways:
Alex McCorkindale is the Creative Producer and Project Manager at B + A, a creative management consultancy, Nick Marshall is our newest Partner at Lawrence Stephens, having joined the firm in lockdown, and Dr Paul Keedwell is a renowned psychiatrist, author and podcast host of ‘Why the Long Face?‘.
Together, they provide some valuable insights, discuss the key lessons they have learned over the course of the year, the ways they have chosen to manage their workforce in light of changing circumstances, advice for those joining a company remotely, and ways to recognise and address burnout in the context of COVID-19.
We hope you enjoy this special presentation. If you would like to discuss any of the matters explored in this meeting, or would like us to put you in touch with any of the individuals featured, please do get in touch using the details below.